Webservers love Syn Cookies

In a few posts now, I’ve mentioned this concept of syn cookies. Syn cookies is a lesser known technique that allows for each incoming syn packet to be tagged with a unique identifier by the kernal. These identifiers are encoded into the TCP timestamp and then SYN is droped from the socket qeue.

This allows for these identifiers to be used to control the flow of a TCP communication. These cookies could be used for something as simple as killing outstanding sessions (which is does by defualt by removing them from the qeue) or as complex as load balancing active connections between servers in a web cluster (having multiple servers using the same encoding algorithm with an intermediate controling the flow). However, these days syn cookies are more often used to limit the amount of active connections are in the socket qeue, in an effort to stop DOS attacks.

This feature comes precompiled into Linux kernals 2.6+ and can be easily implemented.

To check and see if syn cookies is already enabled use the following command. Note, a 1 is enabled and a 0 is disabled.

cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies

To enable syn cookies edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file and apend the following line.

net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1

After the chnage, relaod the config file with the following command.

sysctl -p

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