My Top Three user account design Pet Peeves

In this internet infused world we live in today, it’s not uncommon for user to have to remember several username and password permutations (please note order of characters does matter and thus it’s a permutation not a combination). That being said there are three aspects of the user account design process that really grind my gears.

User Responsibility

This aspect of user account design doesn’t seem to be talked about very often, but it is extremely important. Individuals need to take responsibility for the protection of their usernames and passwords. In fact most web based services clearly indicate as such in their User Level Agreement. That is to say, if someone gains access to your account by means of your username and password permutation, you are responsible for any and all damages. Users need to understand that they are already being held legally responsible for their login information and should take it upon themselves to protect it as if it were any other valuable piece of information.

Secret Username

I grew up online and have watched large web based service provides change their user account design practices over time. Although, most of these changes have greatly increased the general security of user accounts online, I’ve always wondered why changes were never made to user names. In fact usernames have remained almost constant in the online landscape for years. For some reason, early adopters of this authentication model decided that the username should be shared to represent a person online. I personally believe that it is important to have an online identity and that it’s your choice weather to divulge your physical identity alongside a virtual one. This should not require me to log into a web service with such an identity or handle. My username, that I use to log in, should not be public information. In fact I’m a firm believer that it should be treated as if it were a second password. After all, two things you known might not be 2 factors of authenticate, but it is two facts. Web based service provides need to allow users to create usernames that are just as advanced as their passwords. These usernames should not be made public and another method of virtual identity handling should be used. If nothing else, please please stop using email addresses for account login. Email addresses are used everywhere online and are widely known pieces of information and one need only go to the password recovery prompt to see if an email is indeed in use.

Password Complexity

Password complexity is a double edged sword and I hope to make a far more technical and detailed posting about it in the near future. However password complexity, in my mind, has only come about as a method to force users into take more reasonability for their passwords. In a perfect world, a password of all lower case letters or all numbers would be just as difficult to decipher as a password that uses a range of characters. That is to say, if users were truly random in their character selections, the user who chose a password of 33784091 would be just as secure as the user who choose L(k&6hlY, because the available character space did not change. However users are not random and in fact are rather predictable. So our solution is to create a list of rules that a user must follow in order to use a service. This forces a user to create a password that is hopefully harder to guess and crack, but in my experience neither case really holds true. These rules restrict the user by reducing the useable character space and realm of possible passwords. These restrictions alongside the added pressure of maintain a secure posture, all but forces users to reuse old passwords and create ones from common phrases. This undo stress adds predictability to the equation and is at the root of the username and password problem. My solution is a simple one, use the same methodology that is commonplace for usernames. When a user sets or changes a password don’t let them use a password that someone else is already using. In the background, just add what every passwords your organization has deemed weak to the already in use list, just as many already do for usernames deemed inappropriate.

Just Dash Out: Getting root by Just Running the Dash Shell

I often find myself building up vulnerable and/or misconfigured systems for a wide range of actives in my efforts to learn all the things. In doing so, I’ve found my first step is always the same, a simple one liner at the shell prompt that flips a machine on its head.

sudo chmod +s /bin/dash

This command, as many may very well know, sets the sticky bit on the dash shell, which is install in most debian based systems by default. Dash is a lot like the standard bash prompt that most users running Linux are accustom to.  That being said the purpose of the sticky bit, in this case the setuid bit, is to launch the executable with the rights of the owner of the executable. In this case, the owner of dash is root by default, so all users with read and execute permission can run dash and get a root shell. So any user on the system could simply run dash from their shell and gain root access.

user@dashtest:~$  whoami


user@dashtest:~$  dash

# whoami


But the fun doesn’t stop there. By default on Lenny, Squeeze, and most other debain based distro’s the default shell, /bin/sh is just a system link to dash.

lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root       4 Mar 29  2012 sh -> dash

This means that by default all service accounts on the system and possibly even users now have root access on their default shells. In fact most daemon users installed on debian systems with aptitude or dpkg are given the default shell /bin/sh. This can easily be seen in /etc/passwd.







Most daemon’s these days do not need to shell out so my first recommendation is to just go through your /etc/passwd file and change all the /bin/sh to either /bin/bash a proper shell or /bin/false to disable the ability to gain an shell from a popped daemon in the first place.

My second recommendation is rather simple as well, just cast two commands to set up bash as the default shell and then remove dash.

dpkg-reconfigure dash

dpkg –r dash

Of course there is no prefect fix for this issue, because even if you change your default shell and remove dash, it’s just three commands as a privileged user to be back in the same place. This is why I highly recommend setting non-user shells to /bin/false in your passwd file, while we all hope for a developer fix.