LFCA Exam, Resources, and Training

Linux Foundation Certified IT Associate (LFCA)

Exam Overview

Since I announced I was part of the team of individuals who helped develop the new Linux Foundation Certified IT Associate (LFCA) exam. I have been bombarded with questions. The majority of these questions I simply will not answer. The Linux Foundation maintains a separation between exam developers and trainers to protect the integrity of the certification.

However, many have asked questions about where to find materials to prepare for the certification, since a specific training course wasn’t released along side the exam. To those questions, I would mention that the Linux Foundation offers free introduction courses that are linked right on the exam page. These same courses have topics that cover the vast majority of the listed exam domain subjects.

Nonetheless exam its self is 60 multiple choice questions with an exam time of 90 minutes. Its also proctored virtually by PSI, alongside all of the other Linux Foundation exams. To support those taking the exam, I pulled together the exam domains, voucher, and handbook links to provide them bellow in a single place. I also provided a list of the free courses listed on the LFCA training page. Additionally, I re-ordered the courses based on pervious experience with the training materials and how the topics listed in the courses map to the exam domain subjects.

LFCA Exam Domains

The following is the full list of the exam domains and subjects covered directly from the certification documentations.

  1. Linux Fundamentals – 20%
    1. Linux Operating System
    2. File Management Commands
    3. System Commands
    4. General Networking Commands
  2. System Administration Fundamentals – 20%
    1. System Administration Tasks
    2. Networking
    3. Troubleshooting
  3. Cloud Computing Fundamentals – 20%
    1. Cloud Computing Fundamentals
    2. Performance / Availability
    3. Serverless
    4. Cloud Costs and Budgeting
  4. Security Fundamentals – 16%
    1. Security Basics
    2. Data Security
    3. Network Security
    4. System Security
  5. DevOps Fundamentals – 16%
    1. DevOps Basics
    2. Containers
    3. Deployment Environments
    4. Git Concepts
  6. Supporting Applications and Developers – 8%
    1. Software Project Management
    2. Software Application Architecture
    3. Functional Analysis
    4. Open-source Software and Licensing

Free Training from the Linux Foundation

These core courses offer roughly 120 hours of free material that relate directly to the exam domains.

  • Introduction to Linux – An introduction course to help build up the foundational Linux, system administration, and security knowledge listed in the core exam domains.
  • Basics of Cloud Computing – An introduction course that covers cloud infrastructure and the technologies that drive delivery. This course relates to the Cloud Computing Fundamentals exam domain.
  • DevOps Fundamentals – An introduction course to the principles and practices of development operations (DevOps). This course relates directly to the DevOps fundamentals exam domain.

These additional recommended courses that relate to one or more exam domains and provide additional detail.

  • Introduction to Kubernetes – An more in-depth dive into Kubernetes as a tool for containerized infrastructure. Highly recommended for those looking to break into the cloud space and/or purpose the CKA Exam.
  • Open Source Licensing – Open source software is now everywhere and the licensing can be very confusing at first. This course offers a clear and concise coverage of licensing, for those who may not encounter it often.
  • Beginners Guide to Software Development – This next course provides a basic introduction into the key concepts for open source software development. This course will give those who don’t develop software often, just enough to be dangerous.

LFCA Exam and Resources

  • LFCA Exam Voucher – This is the official Linux Foundation Certified IT Associate (LFCA) training page to purchase the exam voucher. This includes a retake if you don’t pass the exam on the first attempt.
  • LFCA Handbook – Exam specific handbooks are provided for all Linux Foundation exams and LFCA is no exception. Reading through the handbook will answer common questions regarding the exam, provide an introduction to the exam environment, and help calm some of the pre-exam nerves.

Leverage SSH Agents to Move Across the Network

Accessing a production system in a Linux environment these days often requires a lot of ssh tunneling in order to get access to restricted systems. This is because it doesn’t make sense to publicly expose SSH to the internet or even your general-use, internal network. Instead there might be a bastion or jump box with ssh exposed as your initial way into the environment. Once connecting to the bastion host successfully you can then connect to another system within that restricted network or maybe even repeat the process to gain access to even more restricted hosts.

In order to handle authentication across multiple systems users leverage ssh agents. An SSH agent is effectively a helper program which stores unencrypted identity keys and credentials in memory. This allows for the SSH client to access these credentials via a Unix stream stock. The socket makes it so the end user doesn’t have to provide their credentials multiple times. The user can also request the SSH client retains access to the socket, when connecting to another system, by enabling agent-forwarding with the -A flag.

With SSH agent-forwarding enabled, the SSH client essentially creates a linked copy of the stream socket on the remote system. By default the socket is created in the /tmp directory in a folder named ssh-<10 random characters>, with the socket named agent.<agent pid>. The ssh agent folder is only granted privileges to the connecting user account. To see what agents are around on a given machine you can look through the /tmp directory with a command similar to:

ls /tmp -l | egrep 'ssh-.{10}$'

Finding SSH Agents

Since agent sockets are stored in /tmp and the reference to which agent to use is controled entirely by the value in the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable. The root account, superusers, and possibly sudoers can change their environment variable to the socket of another connected user and effectively masquerade as them on the network. In fact you would even have accesses to any of the other keys the user added to the agent. Given you have access to a shared systems root account, you could use commands like the following to impersonate the user and view a list of registered keys.

ls /tmp| egrep 'ssh-.{10}$' # list the agent sockets that may be available
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/'ssh-.{10}$'/agent.<pid> # choose one and set appropriate values as you SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable
ssh-add -l # list all credentials available to the agent

The commands could even all be combined into a single loop like the one bellow. However, the ability to query and leverage the credentials is dependent on a stable connection from the target user. Stale agents can hang, because the socket cleanup process doesn’t necessarily happen once a session is closed.

for AGENT in $(ls /tmp| egrep 'ssh-.{10}$'); do export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/$AGENT/$(ls /tmp/$AGENT);echo $AGENT $(stat -c '%U' /tmp/$AGENT);timeout 10 ssh-add -l;done;

Note: A lot of common programs like git, rsync, scp, etc also allow you yo leverage SSH agents. So if a given agent doesn’t get you access to another system, also be sure to try and use it to authenticate against common services.

Impersonating users and pivoting

Once you have an agent you want to leverage, just set it as the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable. Then use it to try and log into other systems or services as the targeted user. Its also worth mentioning that you also be able to leverage the ssh agent and port forwarding to gain access to otherwise restricted system. I’ve created a somewhat related post about leveraging port forwarding in a previous post.

Always run commands like w or who to see where the user is connecting from. Then use that IP address to try and connect back to the users origin system. Most of the time, the users public key is added to their own systems authorized_keys file for ease of access.

This issue is most often seen in development environments, where users traditionally have elevated system access. These systems are also not as well defended or updated as often as production systems. That coupled with the fact that most of the time users don’t maintain account separation between development and production environments, makes it prime to leverage ssh agents.

Recovering Proxmox VMs from Encrypted Raid Array

Initial Thoughts: Blog Reboot

It has been a few years since this Blog has been active, or frankly seen the light of day, beyond some web caches I enabled awhile back. The biggest reason for the blog phasing out, was the first server I ever built (back in 2010) having a failing mother board shortly after the birth of our first child. Now, shortly after the birth of our second child and with the abundance of free time this crisis has awarded us all, I’ve decided to give the blog and my good old Proxmox server a reboot.

Recovering Raid Array

Now since I didn’t have the original working hardware and I didn’t retain good VM backups, I had to recover the VMs from just the encrypted drives. That meant the first step to beginning this journey of recovering Proxmox VMs, was dealing with an encrypted raid 1 storage array.

To begin this recovery process I simply put the two ”high-end” 120 GB SSD drives, in the new server I built to run the latest version of Proxmox. Next we need to boot up the server and use mdadm to examine the drives to identify the raid format.

lsblk # to list all the current block devices

mdadm -E /dev/sd[c-d] #use mdadm to examine 

Then we can use mdadm to re-assemble the raid. In this case, since the the drives are mirrors it likely doesn’t matter, but for some individuals this will likely be a required step in order to complete a full recovery.

mdadm --assemble /dev/md1 /dev/sd[c-d]1 # use mdadm to re-assemble
# the raid as md1

Decrypting LVM Structure

Next we need to decrypt the raid drive so we can access the logical volumes and mount them to begin recovering Proxmox VMs from the encrypted file system.

cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md1 encrypted_pve # Open the luks encrytped device

Now that the the encrypted device has been opened and mounted as the device encrypted_pve. We can now access the volume group within the encrypted partition with standard LVM commands.

vgdisplay --short # for instance just viewing the volume group

Now if your somewhat lazy like me and doing all of this work on the a new installation of Proxmox. Your likely going to start having a bad time and encounter issues because by default, Proxmox wants its primary volume group to be named ‘pve’ and now there are two different ones with the same name. In order to avoid confusion going forward and stop our new Proxmox server from crashing, we should rename the old ‘pve’ volume group to something else.

vgdisplay | egrep -i "uuid|name|VG size" # use vgdisplay to 
# find the UUID of the VG

vgrename QiOPy3-WhF8-RYns-44dY-FKKN-8orV-bEi3m3 pve-old # use vgrename
# to simply rename the VG using the appropriate UUID

vgscan  # lastly we can use vgscan to reload all the vgs as a 
# sanity check

Recovering Proxmox VMs Config files

Now that we have access to the original LVM structure we can go about recovering VMs from the file system. To start this process we should mount the two logical volumes Proxmox has by default. These two would be the root and data logical on our old ‘pve’ volume group.

mkdir /mnt/old-data /mnt/old-root #create directories to mount
# logical volumes

mount /dev/mapper/pve--old-root /mnt/old-root # mount old pve root

mount/dev/mapper/pve--old-data /mnt/old-data # mount old pve data

Here is the point where things diverge a bit depending on what version of your recovering from and how your VMs where originally setup. Regardless there are really only two components to a given VM in the Proxmox world, a config file and a disk image.

To recover the VM config files in newer versions of Proxmox you would just go into the /mnt/old-root/etc/pve/qemu-server/ directory. There you would likely see a bunch of VM configuration file named after the VM ID number. Generally speaking you should be able to copy these configs over to your new Proxmox server without too much of an issue.

cd /mnt/old-root/etc/pve/qemu-server/ # go to the mounted config 
# directory

cp 100.conf /etc/pve/qemu-server/

However, if your like me and you are looking around for these VMID.conf files and they aren’t on the old root filesystem. That’s because in older versions Proxmox the VM configs were stored in a sqlite database. Instead we can use the sqlite3 command on the pve-cluster config database in order to view all the VM config files and extract the ones we want directly to workable config files.

sqlite3 /mnt/old-root/var/lib/pve-cluster/config.db \
'SELECT * FROM tree;' # use sqlite3 to view all of the 
# config data in the cluster config database

sqlite3 /mnt/old-root/var/lib/pve-cluster/config.db \
'SELECT data FROM tree WHERE name = "100.conf";' \
> /etc/pve/qemu-server/100.conf 
# use a sql query to extract just the config file data 
# we need and write it to the appropriate file/code>

Recovering Proxmox VMs Raw Disks and Disk Images

When it comes to VM disk images they can be either raw, meaning they are logical volumes provisioned within a volume group using LVM or disk image files like qcow2's. Regardless of which type of VM disk image or if like me and had both. The path forward is basically the same, just copy it over to appropriate place on the never server.

In the case of raw disks, all we really need to do is copy the logical volume that was provisioned in the old volume group over to the new volume group. To do this we need to create a new logical volume on the the new volume group with the same size and name. Then use dd to copy over the raw data from the old logical volume to the new one.

lsblk # look at all our physical and logical devices to
# make sure we use the right devices

lvcreate -n vm-100-disk-1 -L 10G pve # Create the new logical 
# volume with the same name and size

# dd if=/dev/pve-old/vm-100-disk-1 bs=4096 of=/dev/pve/vm-100-disk-1 
# Use dd to complete a bit by bit copy of the LV data, ! Caution !

If you need to deal with the VM disk files, its pretty straight forward as well. Just go into the old-data directory we mounted and copy the disk image files over to the new storage location. These can be a various formats like qcow2 or vmdk, but the process is the same.

mkdir /var/lib/vz/images/100 # create the folder for your VM

cp /mnt/old-data/images/100/vm-100-disk-1.qcow2  \
# copy over the disk image to appropriate local folder

Getting VMs to Boot

At this point Proxmox should have seen the VM configuration files added to the local nodes configuration directory and it should be visible in web UI and/or qm at the command line. The very last step in recovering Proxmox VMs is making sure your VM configuration is correct so it can boot up. I could probably do research and a whole blog post on this topic alone. So its kind of difficult to provide detailed examples of what could be wrong with a given configuration file. Since the configuration files are from working VMs, most likely issues are either device statements or the boot order.

The boot order can be forced with the bootdisk option, to a given device, such as ide0. Devices are registered in the config file as device statements like 'ide0: local:vm-100-disk-1'. Make sure your device statements are correct and your cdrom is empty such as 'ide2: none,media=cdrom' to avoid boot issues. For other errors make be sure review the documentation or ask in the comments bellow.